Leibys Flowers...Picked fresh from the farm to bring simple sophistication and clean, classic beauty to your special recipient's home or office, the Calla Lily Warp Bouquet is an impressive gift for any occasion. Hand gathered in select floral farms and showcasing the bright white that only blossoms from open cut calla lilies and roses perfectly surrounded by lush, vibrant greens, this bouquet is picked fresh for you to help you express your thanks, convey your deepest sympathies, or congratulate friends and family on an engagement or wedding.
This bouquet includes: white calla lilies, white roses and vibrant green palm leaves. Presented with a clear glass vase. Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.
This bouquet includes: white calla lilies, white roses and vibrant green palm leaves. Presented with a clear glass vase. Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.